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Aliro Simulator


Design and Emulate your Advanced Secure Network, Testbeds, and Protocols at all levels of abstraction from a single two node link to application specific large networks. 


AliroNet Simulator gfx

Aliro Simulator is a versatile, modular advanced secure network simulator equipped to model all portions of an advanced secure network from the smallest optical components to the largest heterogeneous networks.

Building an advanced secure network can be extremely complex and time consuming, but Aliro Simulator offers customers the ability to evaluate and fine tune components, configurations and use cases while looking at accuracy, flexibility and scalability before they need to purchase or deploy anything. This release also includes a visualizer tool that allows users to graphically investigate the node level performance of a network design and set of protocols. 


Use Cases: Design your advanced secure network with Aliro Simulator

  • Assess what is needed in an advanced secure network implementation to meet application requirements.
  • Create realistic performance estimates for concrete network design drafts, for example data rates and fidelity.
  • Make informed decisions about trade-offs in cost, performance, and node placement.
  • Evaluate the performance and interoperability of competing hardware modalities and devices before purchasing and integrating.
  • Discern which use cases are practically viable on a planned network implementation.
  • Develop, test, and benchmark protocols and applications with desired network configuration.

Full Network & advanced secure network Visualization

Aliro Simulator offers full advanced secure network emulation and simulation

Aliro Simulator allows users to construct and simulate advanced secure networks at full scale all the way down to a low level of abstraction. Aliro Simulator implements discrete event simulation, multiple state computation backends, generic quantum and classical device components, optical components, noise models, networking concept abstractions, and support classes.  Organizations are able to determine proof of value for implementing an advanced secure network prior to purchasing actual quantum networking hardware and software.

For more details about AliroNet™, download the solution brief here.

Click to download the AliroNet™ data sheet.

Click to download the Aliro Simulator data sheet.



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