The quantum networking research field moves fast. We did our best to keep track of the latest papers and pre-prints from the past month so you can make sure you stay up to date on what people are working on around the world. Check it out below:
Quantum networking research: March 2021
- [Science] A quantum-logic gate between distant quantum-network modules
- [Nature] Deterministic multi-qubit entanglement in a quantum network
- [Quantum] Self-testing with finite statistics enabling the certification of a quantum network link
- [Optica] Adaptive bandwidth management for entanglement distribution in quantum networks
- [Phys. Rev. Lett] Security analysis of quantum key distribution with small block length and its application to quantum space communications
- [npj Quantum Inf] Deterministic spin-photon entanglement from a trapped ion in a fiber Fabry–Perot cavity
- [Phys. Rev. A] Optimizing repeater schemes for the quantum internet
Selected pre-prints from this month:
- [arXiv] A benchmarking procedure for quantum networks
- [arXiv] Entanglement across separate silicon dies in a modular superconducting qubit device
- [arXiv] Demonstration of quantum advantage by a joint detection receiver for optical communications using quantum belief propagation on a trapped-ion device
- [arXiv] A reconfigurable quantum local area network over deployed fiber
- [arXiv] Improved analytical bounds on delivery times of long-distance entanglement
- [arXiv] Advances in space quantum communications
- [arXiv] Trusted node QKD at an electrical utility
- [arXiv] Single-photon quantum hardware: towards scalable photonic quantum technology with a quantum advantage