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AliroNet AliroNet™ Is the world’s first full-stack multi-purpose end-to-end entanglement-based Quantum Network solution.


Intuitive UI and visualization

Intuitive UI and visualization

Custom topology support

Custom topology support

Assists in error correction

Assists in error correction

Optimal distillation protocols

Optimal distillation protocols

Create your quantum network

checkmarkEnter custom network configuration parameters, including as topology, component fidelities, and custom architectures
checkmarkSupports heterogeneous components
Network design example
Web app for configuring quantum devices

Configure your devices

checkmarkUse pre-built device library or define your own
checkmarkModel noise using pre-built and custom error models

Configure your connections

checkmarkOptimize loss of noisy quantum channels
checkmarkDistillation and purification protocols: Supports pre-built libraries and user-defined protocols
checkmarkEntanglement generation protocols: Supports range of protocol choices
Software platform for entering custom connection information
Simulation uploaded to cloud

Run simulation

checkmarkEnables resource estimation and optimized allocation of resources
checkmarkSimulates the connection of noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) computers
checkmarkSupports multipartite entanglement
checkmarkAccurately simulates noise sources due to: source and detector errors, memory decoherence, processor operation errors, and channel loss

Get simulation analysis

checkmarkProvides performance results for comparing protocols and architecture
checkmarkProvides resource estimation of network components and cost
Review output of simulation

Interested in building the quantum networks of the future?

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